Memorial Day is a lil rough on me. Pgh Meetup Events Blog/Newsletter.
Hi Everyone, I just want to say, Memorial Day is rough for me. I was part of the 307 th MP Company of New Kensington and we lost two of our own: Sgt Eric Hull and Sgt Nick Tomko while in Baghdad. Think of friends and loved ones that have never made it back to their families and celebrate n reflect the friends and family that you currently have… Here are the Friday through Monday events that I think are special. LINKS ARE BELOW THIS, please rsvp it makes it easier for the hosts of the events to plan things out... John from Shaler is meeting a group of people at the Incline Parking lot at 8pm Friday and going up into Mt. Washington for Dinner and Drinks, so far he has at least 6+ people going… Tricia has a great weekly Ecstatic Dance event, if you like to DANCE, GO! Its a regular event that happens to be posted on meetup. Carolyn has a cool Sober Party at the Bantha Tea Bar and that’s a lot of fun. Or Pop Punk Party at the smiling moose, i’ve gone to th...